professional handshake

Three Things to Prepare If You Want to Work Overseas

You should never limit the development of your career. Once you get the opportunity to advance, you must not think twice to take it. Today, industrial technology has merged with the digital one. The industrial revolution 4.0 is on the horizon, and those who are not mobile enough to find where their skills are valued the most will be left behind.

Here, you will learn how to be a professional who is always ready to work overseas. You can build new networks, get involved with a new working environment, and grow your personality.

Understanding the Standardization

standardization testYou might be a high-achiever in your current company, and you will have no trouble with applying for a new job with the same appreciation. The sole reason for that condition to be possible is that they all measure your capacity and experience with the same standard. When you go overseas, things may surprise you.

For example, if you plan to work in Australia, they have the recognition of prior learning (RPL), which is a standardization grading system that allows an overseas employee to be rated with the Australian standards. The authority makes this system necessary to protect themselves from unskilled workers.

In your case, you have to make sure that all of your qualifications are translatable into the authorized grading system in your target country. Another example: you are confident with your fluency in Korean because you have joined a course from a well-known Korean course institute in your home country, and you have got the graduation certificates. Once you get to Korea, you will be surprised and disappointed because most companies and universities only recognize TOPIC (Test of Proficiency in Korean).


If your company handles all of your daily expenses, then you can skip this section. Those who move overseas and survive on their budgets should read this to the end.

The seemingly-profitable promises of overseas companies often sway people. Those companies do provide high pay rates, but the candidate employees usually ignore the fact that the accommodation there is also expensive. As a result, the net income will be not as much as expected.

You should carefully calculate the accommodation to live in your destination country. Moreover, you have to make some native friends first to know the real costs of living there.

Protect Yourself with Insurance

insurance protectionIf you are abroad, you want to be safe. In the United States, for example, it is a common sense that a foreign worker without medical insurance is a dead worker. The cost of dental care alone there can reach $5000 per visit. Imagine that large amount of money without coverage. It will be distressing, won’t it be?

Therefore, you have to scrutinize all the rules and policies of the insurance in your destination country. You cannot and shall not rely everything on your employer because they are driven by profits not sympathy.…

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hiring the best candidate

Top Executive Search Trends

Searching for executive talent is a serious challenge for the human resources sector. You should note that recruiting for such positions is quite different as compared to hiring front-line workers. To become successful in this case, you need a given type of talent and adequate experience. It is a good idea to know the current trends as far as executive recruiting is concerned. In fact, some executive hiring trends are quite ongoing, whereas others are a bit new. All these trends are aimed at taking the executive search to another level.

Reliance on Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence is now used to identify the top candidates. Therefore, a lot of firms are likely to use machine learning algorithms as they go forward.

Use of Big Data

recruitmentRecruiting companies are now using big data and deep analytics. You should note that the use of big data has grown over the years and it is likely to continue. Use of data analytics and data mining can make the much-needed difference as far as executive recruitment is concerned. In fact, its use is likely to become a competitive advantage.

The Hiring of Freelancers and Consultants

As you may have realized, the gig economy is quite alive and well. This is also the case in the executive suite. You should expect to see a lot of free agents and consultants in the top jobs. This is because they are now a focus of the top recruitment companies.

Commitment to Employee Development

You should expect a lot of businesses to get their executive talent from within. The good thing with employee development is that it can be used to drive results and reduce recruiting costs.

Focus On Younger Talent

The current executive workforce is aging quite fast. This creates real challenges and issues for the large businesses. It is now expected that executive recruiters will focus on the development of young talent. These are women and men who can be dependent upon for the decades to come to guide their employers forward.

Passive Job Seeker

hiring the candidateYou will be surprised to learn that not every person is looking for a change. This does not mean that people are not ready to take on new opportunities. Instead, you should expect an increasing focus on the passive job seekers through different outlets such as social media.

Using Company Brands

Branding is quite essential in every business. It is not only useful in selling products but also attracting top executive candidates.…

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project management

Advantages of Project Management

One of the key aspects of business since time immemorial is a project. The successful management is vital to know where systems and processes are headed. There must be a systematic approach to controlling and managing projects of various types together with the changes with ease. This makes PMP training important as it is about effectively managing change. Professionals in project management can help an organization and ensure their success with projects of any dimension and scale. They also bring a project-based approach to your business. The following are the benefits of project management.

Full understanding of project goals

No business can expect any growth in the successful management of projects. They need to have professionals who can develop project objectives and goals to ensure the right resources are allocated. Professionals trained in PMP know choosing a project that will do justice to resources and time invested. This ensures that only the right projects are initiated.project phases

Handling projects in phases

All projects must pass through various stages and phases to get to the ultimate destination. Only the trained professionals will ensure the projects go through all these phases without problems. Right from conception up to completion, these professionals ensure the project is reviewed by the stakeholders at the various stages.

Setting realistic timescale and budget

There should be a realistic timescale and budget for any project. To decide these aspects, you need professionals who will bring a rigorous approach to play and set the budget and time for a project to be completed. If you fail to get these aspects, then there may be delays and the project may run over costs.

Structures project approach

Successful projects usually follow a structured approach based on the objectives and goals set in advance. This means there must be defining responsibilities and roles for every member of the project team. There has to be a commitment to the objectives of the project, and everybody has to play a role for a common cause.

In-depth knowledge of project management

Professionals trained in PMP are usually familiar with using a systematic process in managing the changes in a project. They know the way to handle project objective and scope to ensure success on every front. This minimizes risk linked to product change. This way stakeholders will benefit from a given project.

Improved project efficiency

projecteffeciencyProjects must run smoothly through the stages and phases. There have to be some sense of efficiency to a project for businesses to achieve their objectives and goals effortlessly. This can only be possible if PMP trained professionals are given the project management tasks.

These are the key advantages that project management will add to your business and projects. You need to invest in trained PMP professionals.…

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